Adding bling or crystals to your motorcycle helmet can be fun but it also increases your visibility during the day. There are several options for attaching the crystals but the two most common are with a heat fix tool or an adhesive.
Clean The Helmet
Regardless of how you are going to attach the crystals, you need to clean the outside of your helmet. You need to make sure all of the road grime and bug splatters are off before you begin. I sprayed mine with a mild cleaner, rinsed it off with a damp cloth and allowed it to dry.
Heat Fix Crystals
Heat fix crystals are the easiest to apply and stay on the longest! My heat set stones stood up to the Texas heat for two summers, rain for days on the Blue Ridge Parkway and the scorching heat of Moab. Not to mention being rubbed against as my helmet was put into my saddle bag.
Shaped as a round crystal, they have a glue hardened on their backside that melts and attaches itself to whatever it is being applied to using the Tulip Deluxe Heat Fix Tool. Without a doubt, the best aspect of Hot Fix stones is how convenient they are. You can place them exactly as you want them before setting the Heat Fix Tool on the top. Just like that, they’re attached to the material.
How To Apply The Heat Fix Crystals
1. Make sure Heat Setter is turned off and unplugged.
2. Choose appropriate applicator tip for the size of the crystal.
3. Screw applicator tip onto the end of the barrel by hand until tightly in place.
4. Plug in Heat Setter and turn on. The heat set tool will heat up in about 2 minutes
5. When using Heat Setter, do not hold by the barrel. Place heated applicator tip onto crystal surface, lift and carry crystal to the desired position.
6. Place crystal straight down onto project. Press firmly for 5-6 seconds while adhesive backing on crystal melts on the o project. Lift heat setter straight up to reveal adhered crystal.
How To Use An Adhesive
- Cover the area you are working at with some newsprint or a tablecloth that you won’t mind adhesive getting if it does.
- Pour out the crystals and place them flat side up
- Either with your hands or tweezers hold the crystal
- With a toothpick or applicator tip apply a small amount of adhesive to the back side of the stone.
- Place it on the helmet and hold in place for a few seconds
- Continue applying the stones in the same fashion until your design is complete
Have fun personalizing your helmet and gear. If you have any questions or would like to share of your gear feel free to do so in the comments section.
Where did you get your heat gun? Craft store?
I got mine from Amazon but you can find them at most fabric/craft stores: Here’s a link to the one I got:
How do you apply the iron on bling to the helmet?
You would need a small iron or press your iron on in sections as you tilt the helmet assuming the section you are placing the design is not flat.
Approximately how many crystals are needed to cover a whole helmet? (Most average size Swarovski Crystals)
It depends on the size of the crystals, spacing between the crystals and the helmet size/type. I used about 75-100 on this design.
I have bought two helmets to bling, how do I get a design on it and keep my rhinestones straight? Is there somewhere I can download or copy a “swirl” or something…the last time I made a really big mess of my helmet because I could get it straight..Thanks Sherry
You can google “swirl outline” and lots of stuff pops up. Just keep refining the search until you find something you like. The other option is to buy a stencil at a craft/hobby store. Here’s what I found with a quick search: