What The Sites About
This Lady Rides was created by me, Margaret Smith as a way to encourage current and aspiring women riders. This Lady Rides is a website built for men and women motorcyclists alike but the emphasis is on women. Stories from real women who ride, motorcycle fashion, gear reviews, industry news, one of a kind articles and features, and basic motorcycle maintenance are just a few of things you can expect. I use photos and video taken by Scott and myself to try and give a rounded reflection of the motorcycle culture as I see and experience it. Not a rider, that’s okay! Those who appreciate riders can find plenty of media here for distraction, education, and inspiration.
The website officially started in June of 2014. My husband and I took a 10 day trip and rode the Entire Blue Ridge Parkway. It was an amazing journey! Along the way we met a lot of riders and I quickly realized that as a woman riding her own motorcycle I was in the minority. We would stop to sight-see, take pictures and talk to other riders. At least 2-3 times a day I would have women say to me ” I wish I could ride”, “If only I wasn’t too old to start riding”. “I want to ride but I don’t even know how to get started”. I even had women tell me they had been encouraged NOT to ride. As I talked to them I tried to be encouraging but when you only have a short amount of time it’s hard.
As the trip went on I found myself reflecting back on my experience as I entered the realm of motorcycle riding. I could see now just how fortunate I was. When I began riding (at the age of 40) I had the support of my husband, kids and a great H.O.G. chapter filled with supportive friends and other ladies that rode.
Towards the end of our trip we ran into terrible weather. The roads were flooded and we had to pull over and stay a few extra nights in Mississippi. During that time my husband and I spent a lot of time talking about the trip and the people we had met. I brought up my thoughts on the ladies we had encountered and my desire to help other women that either rode or wanted to ride. Since I already enjoy blogging on my sewing site starting a ladies riding blog seemed like the logical thing to do. Before I could second guess myself I hopped on my phone and bought the domain name! You will fine post dated before June 2014 because I went back in and wrote about my early riding experiences.
Marketing with This Lady Rides
If you’d like to work with This Lady Rides to help get the word out about your event, product, road trip, whatever… there are a variety of ways to do so. Since This Lady Rides is set up on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube– it’s easy to get the word out. I am always looking to work with like minded motorcycle companies, groups or organizations that want to do cool things for the world of motorcyclists by building community and empowering riders of all types. You can get in touch through the contact page.